Friday, March 28, 2014

Dermatologic Treatments

Cooper University Hospital

Chemical Peels

Thousands of chemical peels are performed each year. Dermatologic surgeons have agents for the last 100 years and are experts in performing multiple types of chemical peels public's increasing interest in rejuvenating skin and slowing effects of the aging process which has emerged as an exciting supplement to a total skin care program. Dr. Lawrence will evaluate before embarking upon a chemical peel.

Melasma, Acne, Skin aging, sun damage, wrinkles (depends on peel solution)

Melasma is a brown discoloration of the face most often seen in women. This change can get worse in the summer when exposed to the sun's harmful rays and often fades. Pregnancy is the most common cause of melasma.

The Center for Dermatologic Surgery treats melasma with prescription bleaching topical in addition to a series of chemical peels. Since sunlight is a major factor in the melasma, it is imperative top continue to avoid the sun, wear protective clothing and apply sunscreen.

  • Superficial: Freshens skin, makeup goes on nicer, may decrease some fine lines.
  • Medium Depth: Chemical peeling is often used to treat fine lines under the eye and mouth. Wrinkles caused by damage, aging, and hereditary factors can often be eliminated with this procedure. However, sags, bulges and more severe wrinkle peeling and may require other kinds of cosmetic surgical procedures. Dr. Lawrence determines the most appropriate treatment for your needs.
Mild scarring and certain types of acne can be treated with chemical peels. In addition, in the form of sun spots, age spots, liver spots, freckles, blotchiness, due to taking birth control that is dull in texture and color may be improved with chemical peeling . Areas of sun damage precancerous keratosis and scaling patches may improve after chemical peeling. Follow lesions or patches are less likely to appear.

Age spots, also known as sun spots, are flat, brown discoloration of the skin which usually is around the neck, hands, and other areas of the skin exposed to the sun over many years.

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